The Militia of Utah    

U T A H   M I L I T I A

Utah’s Constitutional Militia

Utah Militia, properly identified as “The Militia of Utah”, is a governmental establishment referenced in the Utah Constitution as “the Militia”.  To establish or revitalize the Militia, it must be self-assembled, organized, and controlled from the bottom up by the People.  When properly established, the Militia serves as the final voice of the People.  Unfortunately, there is but a whisper heard to “secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”.

Each and every Utah resident should join or support the Utahns committed to the security of a free state and Utah’s smallest minority: the individual. We have the responsibility to revitalize the Militia to a size and capability that will discourage its actual need to defend Utah, its Constitution, and the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Join the Utah residents who are not only prepared to take up arms, but the men and women who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily lives, and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.

Before you join the Militia, we ask that you read and become familiar with the Militia Code of Conduct:

The Militia Code of Conduct

The Militia serves the most vital role in the checks and balances necessary for the security of a free state. Without the Militia, the Utah and US Constitutions are just a piece of paper.


Article xv, Section 1. [How constituted.]

       The militia shall consist of all able-bodied male inhabitants of the State, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, except such as are exempted by law.

Article xv, Section 2. [Organization and equipment.]
       The Legislature shall provide by law for the organization, equipment and discipline of the militia, which shall conform as nearly as practicable to the regulations for the government of the armies of the United States.

While Article xv, Section 1 cites compulsory participation by all able-bodied male inhabitants between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, the Militia of Utah favors voluntary participation by all able-bodied men and women inhabitants of the State, between the ages of eighteen and sixty years or older.

Since Article xv, Section 2 fails to provide1 for the Militia, voluntary monthly contributions by inactive and nonparticipants are necessary.

The Militia is a responsible community devoted to the people of Utah who stand against its enemies, and benefit and protect the citizens of Utah. We are also devoted to providing a learning source for the modern citizen soldier.

The Militia is not a private militia, anti-government, an anarchy, nor a terrorist group. As a governmental establishment, we resolve to achieve constitutionalism, individual rights and limited government; the very principles by which this nation was founded. Our priority is to see the government restored and maintained to its original constitutional form.

We oppose the following:

  • Slavery, Socialism, Fascism, Communism, the New World Order — in other words, the philosophies of all tyrannies

  • A police state, the federalization and militarization of our local police, the United Nations or any global peacekeeping forces whose Charters are incompatible with the Constitution

  • Unrestrained government, political democracy, wealth distribution, crony Capitalism, corporate plunder, censorship — any compromise to our unalienable rights of life, liberty, and property

We firmly support Individual Rights for every individual, including the Rights of Life, Liberty and Property and the Right to resist tyranny and the usurpation of constitutionally delegated powers as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence, equal opportunity for all and special privilege for none.

Racism has no place in the Militia. All are created equal here and you must respect your fellow members. Slurs, baiting another member, antagonizing, disrespect, or demeaning another member are grounds for immediate termination of your membership.

We DO NOT advocate the violent overthrow of the state of Utah or the United States Government.

We DO NOT advocate the use of force offensively when no hostilities are in effect.

We DO pledge our lives, honor, and fortunes to ensure that our State lives on forever in freedom.

It is the duty of everyone to help recruit more members. Invite neighbors to Meet & Greets2, talk with friends and family, call talk radio, promote at gun shows, on the internet, look for or create community events we can participate in, do what you can to get the word out and let people know we’re here for them.

You will be discharged for:

  • Advocating any constitutionally illegal activity

  • Advocating first strike military action of any kind

  • A call to arms without Command Staff approval

  • Violating any of the rules previously stated

  • Treating a Utah citizen with disrespect, threatening remarks, intimidation, or assault of any kind

  • Possession or consumption of alcohol or recreational drugs at Militia sanctioned events to include musters, training, recruiting events, public outreach or support activities, or any venue in which such behavior is normally deemed inappropriate

If you ever hear someone saying any of the following, you must report it immediately to your Chain of Command:

  • Members making racial slurs

  • Members discussing or planning the illegal use of explosives

  • Members discussing or planning any kind of assassination

  • Members calling for violence when no defensive action is proper

  • Members suggesting attacking local, county or state law enforcement or federal agents or their headquarters or other buildings

  • Members suggesting overthrowing local, state, or federal government

  • Members attempting to create division in the organization or an associated group along racial, religious, or political3 lines

1Provide the financial means for the organization, equipment and discipline of the militia – ViewSupport

2Meet & Greets – View monthly eventJoin the Militia

3On-duty members must remain apolitical. While off-duty members naturally have the freedom to express their personal politics, members who mutually agree to discuss politics with other off-duty members must remain courteous and always refrain from creating division.

UCM Rev.2025.01.03

View: United States Constitution

View: Utah Constitution 

C O N T A C T    U S


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Utah Restoration Affiliates

In this episode of We ARE The People, Jason and Alexia Preston are joined by Goel to discuss the controversial and harrowing allegations covered in the Shadows of Power series.

A well regulated Militia Utah’s Constitutional Militia 2014-2025